Graustein, Mathilde - Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis Birth Index 1882-1918 - Record Detail
  • Child Last NameGraustein
  • Child First NameMathilde
  • Father Last Name
  • Father First Name
  • Mother Last Name
  • Mother First Name
  • Maiden Name
  • Birth Year1908
  • Act Number
  • CitationArchiwum Główne Akt Dawnych Nr. Zespołu 438, Sygn. 33. Akta gmin wyznania ewangelicko-augsburskiego z zachodnich guberni Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego. Jednostka
  • Record SourceArchiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
  • Page Number
  • NotesYear of Event, Type of Event, Location of Event:1884 Birth Marijampole
  • View Record Image
  • NotesYear of Event, Type of Event, Location of Event:1884 Birth Marijampole

Possible Relatives

Name Year Location Actions
Graustein, Amalia 1851 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Anna 1852 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Karl 1853 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Anna 1859 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Marianna 1862 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Mathilde 1884 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Groom Bride Year Location Actions
Graustein, Karl Wingowski, Caroline 1853 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Blum, August Graustein, Emilie 1857 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Michalowski, Friedrich Graustein, Anna 1858 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Nausner, Vincent Graustein, Mathilde 1865 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Name Year Location Actions
Graustein, Eduard 1842 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Graustein, Dorothea 1877 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Graustein, Adolf 1879 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Graustein, Friedrich 1885 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Bertha 1897 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Andreas 1884 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Graustein, Friedrich 1890 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Graustein, Bertha 1897 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Name Year Location Actions
Graustein, Amalia 1851 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Anna 1852 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Karl 1853 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Anna 1859 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Marianna 1862 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Graustein, Mathilde 1884 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Graustein, Mathilde 1908 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details