Müller Haak, Ludwika - Neustadt/Kudirkos Naumiestis Death Index 1847-1847 - Record Detail
  • Last NameMüller Haak
  • First NameLudwika
  • Maiden Name
  • Father Last Name
  • Father First Name
  • Mother Last Name
  • Mother First Name
  • Year1847
  • Age
  • Date of Birth
  • Act Number11
  • CitationLithuanian State Historical Archives. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Neustadt births, marriages, deaths, 1847. F. Nr. 1218, Ap. Nr. 1, B. Nr. 191.
  • Record SourceLithuanian State Historical Archives
  • Page Number
  • Notes
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Possible Relatives

Groom Bride Year Location Actions
Mülleris, Johann Klein, Anna 1864 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details