Not listed, Not listed - Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis Marriage Index 1885-1913 - Record Detail
  • Groom Last NameNot listed
  • Groom First NameNot listed
  • Bride Last NameWinnat
  • Bride First NameAnna
  • Groom Father
  • Groom Mother
  • Bride Father
  • Bride Mother
  • Marriage Year1907
  • Date of Marriage
  • Act Number
  • CitationArchiwum Główne Akt Dawnych Nr. Zespołu 438, Sygn. 33. Akta gmin wyznania ewangelicko-augsburskiego z zachodnich guberni Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego.
  • Record SourceArchiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
  • View Record Image
  • NotesYear of Event, Type of Event, Location of Event:1907 Proof for Marriage Essen/ Ruhr

Possible Relatives

Name Year Location Actions
Not listed, Emma 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Otto 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Maria Martha 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Gustav 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Olga 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Eduard 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Eduard 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Emma 1910 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Maria Helene 1910 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Anna 1910 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Groom Bride Year Location Actions
Brün (Brien), Gottlieb not listed, not listed 1858 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Rekewitz, Christian not listed, not listed 1858 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Brün (Brien), Gottlieb not listed, not listed 1858 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Rekewitz, Christian not listed, not listed 1858 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Brün (Brien), Gottlieb not listed, not listed 1858 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Rekewitz, Christian not listed, not listed 1858 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Becker, Karl not listed, not listed 1861 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Schaudinat, Karl not listed, not listed 1861 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Sadowski, Jakob not listed, not listed 1861 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Tramp, August not listed, not listed 1861 Wilkowischken/Vilkaviskis More details
Name Year Location Actions
not listed, not listed 1888 Mariampol/Marjampolė More details
Name Year Location Actions
Not listed, Emma 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Otto 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Maria Martha 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Gustav 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Olga 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Eduard 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Eduard 1909 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Emma 1910 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Maria Helene 1910 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details
Not listed, Anna 1910 Wischtiten/Vistytis More details